The International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS) is one of the main international fora for the presentation and discussion of the latest technological advances in interactive multimedia services. The objective of the workshop is to bring together researchers and developers from academia and industry working in all areas of image, video and audio applications, with a special focus on analysis. After Louvain (1997), Berlin (1999), Tampere (2001), London (2003), Lisboa (2004), Montreux (2005), Incheon (2006), and Santorini (2007), WIAMIS 2008 is held at Klagenfurt University, Austria.
- Multimedia content analysis and understanding
- Content-based browsing, indexing and retrieval of images, video and audio
- 2D/3D feature extraction
- Advanced descriptors and similarity metrics for audio and video
- Relevance feedback and learning systems
- Segmentation of objects in 2D/3D image sequences
- Identification and tracking of regions in scenes
- Voice/audio assisted video segmentation
- Analysis for coding efficiency and increased error resilience
- Analysis and understanding tools for content adaptation
- Multimedia content adaptation tools, transcoding and transmoding
- Content summarization and personalization strategies
- End-to-end quality of service support for Universal Multimedia Access
- Semantic mapping and ontologies
- Multimedia analysis for advanced applications
- Multimedia analysis hardware and middleware
- Multimedia standards: MPEG-7 (incl. Query Format), MPEG-21
The Workshop proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society and made available through IEEE Xplore™ and the IEEE Computer Society Digital Library. Papers must be formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society standards and their length must not exceed 4 IEEE double column style pages including all figures, tables, and references.
Formatting Instructions: 8.5" x 11" (DOC, PDF, PS) and LaTex Formatting Macros.
- Proposal for Special Session: November 23, 2007
- Paper Submission: December 21, 2007
- Review Results: January 25, 2008 ***extended***
- Submission of Camera-ready Papers: February 15, 2008
- Christian Timmerer, christian(dot)timmerer(at)wiamis2008(dot)org
- Hermann Hellwagner, hermann(dot)hellwagner(at)wiamis2008(dot)org