®Kärnten Werbung / Universität Klagenfurt

May 7-9, 2008, Klagenfurt, Austria  

Special Session: Rushes

Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval of Unedited Audio-Visual Footage

Chair: Oliver Schreer (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications / Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, Image Processing Department)

Unedited audio-visual footage known as rushes shares many features with general-purpose multimedia data, but it also shows special characteristics. Rushes are often single-shot sequences at a single location, sparsely edited, with repetitive content and soundtrack is frequently irrelevant. This leads to additional challenges beyond the existing ones in multimedia indexing and retrieval. The joint effort of a number of research groups all over the world resulted in a ‘rushes exploitation’ task in the TRECVID video analysis international benchmark organized this year. In addition, the European FP6 project RUSHES is fully dedicated to research and development of a system for indexing, accessing and delivering raw, unedited audio-visual footage and to enable indexing, search and retrieval of rushes archives to ease in-house postproduction or reuse in a media professional environment. The main aim of this special session is to present latest research results on indexing, search and retrieval with focus on raw unedited audio-visual content.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to

  • Requirements and use-cases of professional content providers and home-users
  • Low-level audio-visual media processing
  • Automatic semantic annotation
  • Audiovisual summarization and clustering
  • Interfaces for knowledge-based media structuring and navigation
  • Content-based and semantic-based query engines

Important Dates

  • Proposal for Special Session: November 23, 2007
  • Paper Submission: December 21, 2007
  • Review Results: January 25, 2008
  • Submission of Camera-ready Papers: February 18, 2008

Papers should conform to the usual WIAMIS guidelines for authors.

For more information contact

  • Oliver Schreer: Oliver (dot) Schreer (at) hhi (dot) fraunhofer (dot) de