Chairs: Toufik Ahmed (CNRS LaBRI Lab. – University Bordeaux 1, France), Ingo Kofler (Department of Information Technology (ITEC), Klagenfurt University, Austria), Olimpiu Negru (Thomson Broadcast & Multimedia, France)
The increase of wired, wireless and mobile devices and the recent advancement in video compression and transmission in diverse environments is unprecedented. Multimedia communication is becoming an indispensable feature and provides an effective mean for human communications. The ENTHRONE special session aims to addresses an important issue related to Quality of Service (QoS) adaptation for the delivery of multimedia services over next generation networks. This session covers future multimedia communication systems that can be part of an end-to-end system, including support of the user’s needs and preferences with taking into consideration the terminal capabilities, the content specification and the underlying networking technologies. The purpose is to provide a control on the offered Quality of Service and Quality of Experience (QoE) by providing minimum packet losses, stringent delay boundary, and exploiting to the outmost the available resources at different multimedia system components (i.e. network / terminal / content). This special session presents the achievements of the ENTHRONE EC-funded R&D project and it is looking for papers coming from people of media coding and networking fields to meet, interact and exchange ideas targeting the above objectives.
- Architectures for multimedia delivery and consumption platforms
- Multimedia metadata standards (MPEG-7, MPEG-21), metadata processing and transport
- Media streaming and real-time delivery
- Wireless multimedia communications
- Reliable, adaptive and interactive real-time multimedia communications
- Cross-layer adaptation and optimisation for multimedia services
- Scalable and network-aware video coding techniques
- Peer-to-peer and new networking paradigms for media delivery
- Content generation and adaptation for IPTV, VoD and broadcast applications
- Content protection for multimedia services
- Secure multimedia communications
- DRM Tools, Licenses and middleware for multimedia services
- End-to-end Quality of Service enabled networking
- Multimedia quality measurement and estimation
- Multimedia terminal architectures and client technologies
- Business models for VoD and IPTV services
- Emerging multimedia standards and applications
- Proposal for Special Session: November 23, 2007
- Paper Submission: December 21, 2007
- Review Results: January 25, 2008
- Submission of Camera-ready Papers: February 18, 2008
Papers should conform to the usual WIAMIS guidelines for authors.
- Toufik Ahmed: tad (at) labri (dot) fr
- Ingo Kofler: ingo (dot) kofler (at) itec (dot) uni-klu (dot) ac (dot) at
- Olimpiu Negru: Olimpiu (dot) Negru (at) thomson (dot) net